Welcome to Crystal Food Oil Factory
A leading producer and supplier of vegetable oils in the state of qatar

Corn Oil
Corn oil is relatively low on both saturated and monounsaturated fats. It is popular in margarine and used in both frying and baking. It should only be used when frying at medium temperatures.

Sunflower Oil
Healthy, natural sunflower oil is produced from oil-type sunflower seeds. Sunflower oil is light in taste and appearance and supplies more Vitamin E than any other vegetable oil.
Our Story

About Crystal
Crystal Food Oil Factory, is located in New Industrial Area, around 15 kilometers east of Doha. With the capacity of 35 million litters annual production, it is equipped with the latest oil processing and technology that modern refining procedures are adhered to.
Crystal Food Oil Factory is an innovative home-based factory; becoming the first factory in the country to establish refinery plant and to produce different types of vegetable oils. With European standard refining machineries, the company strife to maintain prominent level of credibility and take lead in producing the finest and high quality of vegetable oil in the local and international market.